Prevent Corona (COVID-19) part 2: Kapaal-Bhaati Pranayam

Posted 17 Mar. 2020

Ancient Indian & Chinese practices as preventive measures against Corona Virus (COVID-19):(Part 2)

In the 1st part of the series or articles on the ancient Indian & Chinese practices to strengthen the respiratory & immune system we covered the basic external preventive measures against Corona virus and the practice of Abdominal or Diaphragmatic breathing. In the 2nd part of the article we’ll cover the ancient Indian yogic practices of “Kapaal-bhaati”.

Relevance of Yama & Niyama w.r.t. preventive measures against Corona virus.

The Yogic science has been well preserved in the ancient texts namely “Yoga Sutra of Patanjali” and “Hatha-Yoga-Pradipika”. While Yoga Sutras talk about the 8-limbs of Yoga as codified by Rishi Patanjali, the “Hathayogapradipika” of Yogi Swatmaram details about the indepth practices of Asanas, Pranayama etc. According to Yoga sutras Yama i.e. physical regulations, Niyama i.e. mental & emotional regulations, Asana i.e. adopting a specific physical posture are the 3 limbs before one starts the 4th limb – Pranayama. Interestingly the out of 5 yamas & niyamas, “Ahimsa” i.e non-violence” and “Shuacha” i.e. purity or cleanliness ” are very relevant measures w.r.t. prevention of Corona Virus (COVID-19).

Ahimsa i.e Non violence:
Out of multiple inferences of Ahimsa, the relevant one is “Vegetarian Diet” i.e. food which does not involve killing of animals. Experts believe that meat (especially red) takes approximately 72 hours to digest. On the other hand, a healthy vegetarian meal takes only two hours. Therefore, the body can conserve the energy and divert or use it to heal and strengthen the body from within. A strict ban on the consumption and farming of wild animals is being rolled out across China in the wake of the deadly corona virus epidemic.

Shaucha i.e. Purity or Cleanliness:
Saucha translates as purity and maintaining cleanliness of self and the places around us. As per the commentaries on Patanjali Yoga Sutra, external Shaucha means keeping the out-side of the body clean by washing frequently i.e. Washing hands with water or sanitizer is the top preventive measure against Corona infection. Internal Shaucha means to keep the inside of the body pure by eating and drinking moderately and choosing food and drink that is clean, healthy and fortifying. Doesn’t that sounds like the advisory given by the Govt to prevent Corona infection.

The yogic practice of regulating breath is the 4th step of the 8-limbs of Yoga comes after Yama, Niyam & Asana as codified by Rishi Patanjali. While the topic of Pranayama is very vast we’ll focus on the relevance to Corona Virus preventive measures perspective.

2. Kapaalbhati: An important Shatkarma, purification in hatha yoga

Kapaalbhati is a traditional internal cleansing technique (Shatkarma i.e. 6 internal cleansing processes), and can be used as a simple warm-up to power up your respiratory system at any time of the day. Kapalabhati consists of alternating short, explosive exhales and slightly longer, passive inhales

How to do Kapaalbhati breathing:

  • Take a comfortable posture – sitting on the floor or on a chair keeping the spine erect.
  • Place both the hands palms down lightly over your knees
  • Exhales are generated by powerful contractions of the lower belly, which push air out of the lungs.
  • Inhales are responses to the release of this contraction, which sucks air back into the lungs.

Repetitions: Pace yourself slowly at first. Repeat eight to 10 times at about one exhale-inhale cycle every second or two. Do 25 to 30 cycles at first. Gradually increase the number of cycles you do each practice to 100 or more. As you become more adept at contracting/releasing your lower belly, you can increase your pace to about two exhale-inhale cycles every second. Imagine the exhale sweeping out or "brightening" the inner lining of your skull.

Rounds: One can do 3 rounds 3 to 4 times a day when the stomach is mostly empty – morning, before lunch, before dinner and before sleeping.

Benefits of Kapalabhati Practice:

Very important from prevention of Corona virus perspective since it is observed that Corona virus cannot stay long in hot temperature especially in the nasal track where it harbors itself. Even a quick glance at the benefits of Kapaalbhaati shows how it warms up & energizes the respiratory system thereby reducing the lifespan of Corona virus

  • Cleanses lungs and respiratory system
  • Strengthens and tones diaphragm and abdominal muscles
  • Releases toxins
  • Increases oxygen to cells, purifying blood in the process
  • Improves digestion
  • Energizes and clears mind
  • Focuses attention
  • Warms body

In our next article we’ll cover the Anuloma Viloma method of Pranayama i.e. regulating breath