Training since 2010, IWCA has evolved a curriculum based on the requirements of Indian body types, scenarios faced by Indian people and learning methodology to suit the Indian pedagogy system. Hence we have the Wing Chun curriculum – “Made in India” and developed for Indian student types.

Unique features of IWCA’s Training programs

Standardized Curriculum with room for customization: We have highly developed standardized & comprehensive curriculum which covers not just the best Wing Chun, but also other arts that IWCA keeps exploring.


Progressive Levels – Easy to Advanced: Starts with easy to do techniques and progresses to more advanced levels of combat training. Training methodology allows the student to progress at their own speed. Specialization programs for aspiring instructors choose your specialization electives.

Get your questions answered: We encourage our students to be curious and know the “Hows” and “Whys” of the art rather than just repeated practice with no explanation. If you are in doubt, always ask your IWCA instructor instead of a co-practitioner


Conducive training environment: Knowledgeable, Skilled & Friendly trainers. Peaceful and focused class of cultured students. The risk of injury is minimal as students are taught to be in full control when practicing and sparring. Bullying is not tolerated.

True value at affordable fees: Compared to the available options the training investment is really economical for any serious students / practitioner. Given the academy’s International level training pedagogy the charges are really subsidized.
