GGM Leung TingMartial Art : Wing Chun / Wing Tsun

Born on 28 February 1947, GGM Leung Ting started to train under Late GGM Ip Man at the age of 13. Over the years he was taken as a private student of GGM and learnt directly under his tutelage becoming one of his top 5 direct disciples. He opened his 1st Wing chun class in winter of 1968 in the Baptist College Hong Kong. GGM Leung chose the spelling of Wing Tsun to differentiate his teachings from those of other Wing Chun schools, and to keep them from passing off their style as his own.

GGM Leung Ting can be called the father of Wing Tsun and has been the source of knowledge for Wing Tsun practitioners across the world. European Wing Tsun Organization EWTO is currently the largest Wing Tsun training body and has produced many generations of Wing Tsun instructors who are now spreading the art.

IWCA Team had the privilege of training under GGM Leung Ting & his team at International Wing Tusn Association HQ in Hong Kong.

GM Jerson E. Tortal Jr.Martial Art : Kali Escrima - DTS

Born in Negros Occidental, Philippines GM Jerson started in Martial Arts at the age of 6 years. GM Jerson Tortal Jr. got his start in the Filipino Martial Arts (FMA) from his father GM Jerson “Nene” Tortal Sr. who is the official head of Dekiti Tirsia-Siradas and is the son of Balbino Tortal, who was killed by the Japanese during World War II. “Dekit” translated means very close which is a direct relation to the close quarter fighting style. It can also mean tightly close or sticking to your opponent. “Tirsia” means to push or corner your opponent into a triangular area to prevent escape. “Siradas” means to control the opponent, limiting the ability of the opponent’s counter attack. Dekiti Tirsia-Siradas is often characterized as unadulterated and very combative with a very strong emphasis on impact and bladed weapons. Students of the art eventually graduate to the use of empty hands, as well as defense against firearms. According to Tortal Jr. this art has been battle tested and is still being taught to and used by various armed forces and law enforcement agencies.

IWCA Team had the privilege of training under GM Jerson Tortal Jr. at DTS HQ – Los Banus, Phillipines.

Unnimon GurukkalMartial Art : Kalari Payyattu

As a part of understanding other martial arts IWCA constantly visits the top masters to learn their martial secrets. The healing art of combat and spirit, Kalaripayattu is widely accepted as world’s oldest indigenous martial arts born in India. KKG Kalari blends the ancient combat science of Kalari with the science of spirituality – Yoga. Late Unnimon Gurrukkal, a was the head of KKG Kalari school Thrisshur Kerala where IWCA Team had the privilege of learning the ancient art of killing & healing - Kalari Chin Na on Marmas... i.e.

  • Kalari joint immobilization techniques
  • Marma adi or paralyzing marmas.

Ancient knowledge straight from the oral traditions of the vadakkan (northern) Kalari systems is incorporated in the IWCA Curriculum. IWCA plans to visit the Kalari school periodically in future to learn higher skills of the martial arts of Bharghav Parshuram.

Note : IWCA does not teach Kalaripayattu separately, only carefully selected learnings from Kalari have been incorporated in the IWCA Curriculum.

Moni AizikMartial Art : Krav Maga

When your goal is self improvement, you learn from everyone. After eastern arts of DTS, Kalari & Qigong, the IWCA team learnt the basics of Krav Maga in Sdot Yam, Israel during the Commando Krav Maga boot-camp. Moni Aizik through his experience as an Elite Commando of the Israeli Defense Forces, developed the principles and techniques of Commando Krav Maga. Moni is the founder and chief instructor for Commando Krav Maga. Krav Maga is a military self-defence and fighting system developed for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Israeli security forces derived from a combination of techniques sourced from boxing, wrestling, aikido, judo and karate, along with realistic fight training. What did we get... Top 5 Gems

  • Made new global martial art buddies – Europe & America
  • Practiced with the best of the trainers – who train top military & law enforcements
  • Picked up best practices to replicate – Ground Defense, Pressure tests, etc.
  • Understood the art in its place of origin – Krav Maga history & evolution
  • Gained mutual respect & recognition – CKM Level 1 & 2 certification

Loads of learning incorporated in the IWCA syllabus as we make ourselves stronger & better. IWCA plans to attend higher CKM Bootcamps in future to learn higher levels from the best Krav Maga – Commando Krav Maga.

Note : IWCA does not teach Commando Krav Maga separately, only carefully selected learnings have been incorporated in the IWCA Curriculum.